Hurling, Ireland’s sport of choice

I’m Irish, and I need my sport. As such, there are a few popular sports in Ireland, but the sport that trumps them all in my humble Irish opinion, is Hurling.

Hurling is not a new game on the scene, like say, cricket (them English play it, I hear) for it’s more than 3000 years old and it has long been an Irish past time. It has been called the fastest game that can be played on grass and is as physically testing as football or hockey, if not more. My favorite part of the sport is not only its thrill but also the skill required to excel, which is absolutely essential.

The guys I play it with are quite silly, but the moment they’re on the pitch, they know the game’s up. I captain the local team so it’s quite the experience knowing your guys inside out. After a tiring set or two, we all usually go to the pub. The pub then has its own games, but I’ll leave those to another story!

Photos by Peter Mooney


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